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Found 3 results for custom brushes

Round Lines
Round Lines
8 April 2016 admin

Here's one way to create a nice smooth, rounded line in Anime Studio - use a custom brush!

Download and unzip the round image (AST Round_1_0_0_1_0_0_0_1.png) into your custom brush folder.

Tip: tick the "Tint brush using stroke color" option to color the line.

An example:

Queen Snakes
Queen Snakes
22 September 2015 spider

I created one queen snake, made it follow the path, then referenced that layer 3 more times in copied groups to create the effect.
There is a snake skin brush which is called ast-snake-skin_1_0_0_1_1_0_0_1.png - you need to copy this to your custom brush folder in Anime Studio.

Tractor using BoneWheels
Tractor using BoneWheels
5 December 2016 admin

Included is the script that made this animation possible: BoneWheels aka mk_trans_to_rotate.lua by Mike Kelley, I've also included two icons that you can use.

Script Copyright: Mike Kelley

--- How To Use BoneWheels ---
Copy the script and the icons to your custom tool folder (scripts / tool).
When the parent bone is moved with this tool, at any frame, even when not playing, then children named correctly [parent_number] will automatically rotate. For example, if the parent bone was named B1, then the child would be B1_1

Please watch Mike Kelley's video for a greater understanding on using his script:

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3