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Found 5 results for guitar

guitar play
guitar play
24 December 2023 probhatbd

Hi, there is a simple guitar play animation.

Note follower
Note follower
4 December 2015 admin

This is a simple setup that has an image of a guitar follow a path with notes following.
This could be done with particles, but doing it this was is quick and easy.
A version for Anime Studio 9 is also included.

Sea Life    Octopus and Guitar
Sea Life Octopus and Guitar
7 August 2022 macdonut

The rendering of this animation was painfully slow, during which time I noticed a few things, which in hindsight, I could have done to make this look better. I thought of a better way to rig the octopus's tentacles and also a better method of using particle effects to create the schools of fish. However, a good few lessons learnt whilst making this animation, which is always good. I used Bone Audio Wiggle to make the octopus's tentacles move in time to the music on the guitar, and the particle generator to create all the fishes from one fish.

Guitar Player
Guitar Player
22 April 2022 macdonut

Made with a single image using Smart Mesh for the animation

30 April 2014 chris

Rock'n'Roll Ant - Antertainer
This is my entry for the April competition

Showing tutorials 1 to 5 of 5