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Found 4 results for legs

1 April 2014 admin

Rigged spider using the target bones, maximum IK stretching and squash and stretch scaling from Anime Studio 10.

Manipulate the parent body bone to see the effect - The legs will try and remain in place.
This spider was not rigged to walk.

sneaker shoes
sneaker shoes
11 August 2018 mohamedharoon

2.5D Shoes

Noble Newt
Noble Newt
22 June 2015 benjpta

I made use of bone targets to the legs, smart bones for head turn, speech & eyes. Colour points on Newt body and puddle. Brush effect (Brush515_1_0_90.png) on background plants & frame by frame for the splash.

Walk Cycle
Walk Cycle
10 June 2018 admin

Dynamic bones were used for the head, hat, mustache and arms.
This was created using very few keypoints thanks to the 'additive cycle' feature in the loops:

The rig is setup so the body moves with the legs.
(The bones that control the position of the body are hidden in the file)

The character's body will remain aligned halfway between the two feet. The two main bones that make this work:
B2_2 – Targets his left foot B5, max IK stretching set to 10000.
B3_2 – Half way along B2_2 and parented. Angle control set to -1 of B2_2 [could use Independent angle]. B1 (main body) parented to this bone

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