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Found 3 results for looped

3D Biplane
3D Biplane
20 August 2017 admin

This is a reproduction of Matthew Cruickshank's animation that was used to celebrate the 125th birthday of Bessie Coleman on Google.

This version was made 100% in Moho Pro 12 using 3D layers.

Water Effect
Water Effect
15 April 2017 admin

Created by elbramtsol
This effect is created using bones and masks.
The waves are looped layers moving left to right, but the height and movement are affected by the the dynamic movements of the glass.

Animated 3D Lined Torus
Animated 3D Lined Torus
19 April 2017 admin

First the tiled image is created in Moho and exported as a looped video.
Then in a new document, a 3D torus shape (created with a circle in a 3D layer) has this video applied as a texture.
The texture needs to be sized and aligned correctly for the effect to work - trial and error.

Changing the shape:

Changing texture size:

Another option is to use a static texture image, and then rotate the circle shape.

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3