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Found 6 results for mouth

The Wrong Fairytale
The Wrong Fairytale
28 June 2019 causeway

Trying out the new Microphone for first time. He is in armour to save bothering with any mouth movement. Had a bit of a problem wrangling the "Switch" feature. At one point in this animation she turns (5 poses in Switch) then moves her mouth (3 poses in Switch within the last pose of the turn). Then later pouts (another 5 poses in the same Mouth Switch) .

Smart Mouth
Smart Mouth
31 July 2020 axestudio

Mouth with smart bones

Lip Sync First attempt
Lip Sync First attempt
15 February 2020 causeway

My first attempt at lip sync. Too much mouth movement. Took bloomin ages to do. Moral...Have lots of animation going on to detract from noticing the mouth movements I altered the line thickness depending if the shot was a Close up. That scheme works quite well I think. Again time consuming though. .

OK Meme Talking
OK Meme Talking
24 September 2017 admin

Made using a smart warp layer in Moho Pro 12

20 September 2020 murtazammm2

packman ! + mouth OPEN CLOSE RIG

16 July 2014 benjpta

'Bones' is created using Anime Studio Pro 10. I used noise properties, smart bones, bone dynamics, actions, perspective shadow properties, and a little help from my dog, Guia, and a bunch of rubber bones. Sounds are all created with my mouth, recorded and edited in Audacity.

Showing tutorials 1 to 6 of 6