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Found 2 results for numbers

Digital Numbers
Digital Numbers
20 February 2014 admin

A switch layer with numbers in.
This could be used for a digital clock, alarm, count down etc.

Here 60 seconds are shown in a gif:

3 October 2018 toddcircle

Here is my submission for "Bonfire"

All done with vectors. I used quite a few different brushes to add the details.
I made the flames from scratch, the smoke was created by using the in-built particle effects smoke script which I modified slightly.
Background inspired by Flinstones. rocks and weeds in foreground inspired Puffin Rock.

All audio is from (sound numbers 173936, 249418, 361667 & 371921) provided under Creative Commons 0 License.

Me make fire, fire good.
Alien take fire, Alien bad

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