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Found 9 results for reference layers

50 Snowflakes
50 Snowflakes
10 December 2017 admin

50 different snowflakes designed in Moho Pro 12
They were created with the use of reference layers.

Animated Pattern
Animated Pattern
2 June 2018 admin

Created with delayed reference layers in Moho Pro 12

Animated Stars Gif
Animated Stars Gif
21 April 2017 admin

3D and reference layers were used to create this animated gif in Moho 12

Symmetrical face
Symmetrical face
1 October 2015 admin

The left part was drawn first, then using a reference layer, the right side was created. (Flipped reference layer).
Although a mask was used to clean the shapes and lines, it would be possible to do this without a mask.
If points are changed on the left part of the face, the right side is updated automatically.

The Witches Brew
The Witches Brew
30 September 2018 causeway

The opening shot has her cauldron stick flying about. This was a Reference Layer. When making the animation and when previewing it the stick was in the cauldron as it was supposed to be. Where have I gone wrong?

Joe Snow
Joe Snow
21 December 2015 jahnocli

Looking at internet reference material, I was struck by how comical snowmen looked when surrounding mailboxes. Everything else just developed from that. Created the word balloon in an old copy of Xara Xtreme, which I also used to distort it for the inflation sequence.

Empty Child
Empty Child
17 April 2022 macdonut

With a very loose reference to Dr Who, I just couldn't resist this one after my mate David sowed the seed of the idea by uttering the infamous, "Are you my mummy?"

Gangnam Style Halloween
Gangnam Style Halloween
31 October 2020 simplsam

This started from a desire to animate a Sprite in Moho and ended up with a Halloween Gangnam Dance routine.
The original gangnam sprite was from Estelle Weyl @estellevw
Some animated content derived from reference vector art images @ Freepik

Kaleidoscope effect in Anime Studio Pro 11
Kaleidoscope effect in Anime Studio Pro 11
30 May 2015 admin

This kaleidoscope effect was made in Anime Studio Pro 11 using the new reference layer option.

There is one large image that moves inside a masked layer that has been copied. Some of the copies have been flipped to add to the effect.

You only need to change the image and animation of the image layer to have a go.
Render times may be slow on older machines.
There are a lot of possibilities to explore.

Showing tutorials 1 to 9 of 9