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Poke Ball Animation
Poke Ball Animation

This animation is based on the Pokemon Go game.
Made 100% in Anime Studio Pro 11
It's not perfect or complete, but I'm sharing as is. If I get some spare time I may update it.
There's only enough animation in the ball at the moment to accomplish the below video. (left, up, down, and half open).
If you do use it to make a video, then please include a mention/link to this site. Thanks.

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Moho (Anime Studio) File Details
  • Added: 17 July 2016
  • Made With: Anime Studio Pro 11.2
  • Last Updated: 17 July 2016
  • File Size: 74KB
  • Number of files: 1
    File Name Type File Size
    icon 303.animeAnime Studio File76KB
  • Licence: This work is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 licence.
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