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A young bird decides that she would like to grow up to be a frog, as we all have at some stage in our lives.

Music: YouTube Audio Library "Clover-3"

A big thank you to my voice actor, 3-year-old, Hazel.


"I've been looking at these tadpoles
they're so cute
I was thinking
they don't look anything like frogs
And I was thinking that I don't look anything like a frog
maybe I could be a frog as well
I can jump like a frog like this
Hop hop hop hop
I can croak like a frog
Croak Croak tweet tweet huh
I can eat like a frog
A la la la gulp
I would like to be a frog
or maybe a butterfly"

Added on the 30 Jun, 2019
1,790 YouTube views