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Professor Gribblys' Cartoon Curriculum


An introduction to, where Professor Gribbly uses cartoons and toys to help children and adults have fun while learning basic science technology engineering and math (STEM).

Video Transcript

Hi, I’m Professor Gribbly, and I’m here to put fun in science.


Because of science we've been to the moon.

That's one giant leap for Mankind.

But we are failing in science education.

That's one terrible failure for the United States.

Many teachers expect children to understand scientific principles by simply reading textbooks. You can’t drill a textbook into a child’s head. No wonder we are failing. has a better way. Children must be inspired to discover science for themselves. For example: this child read about plants, and this child planted a seed and watched it grow; who had fun learning science?
Cartoons catch a child’s attention much better than textbooks; watch this.

Hey, what are you doing?

Ah the power of toon.
The right science toys will inspire children to think, and experiment.
Two of our greatest inventors were inspired by a flying toy. This toy showed the young Wright brothers that flight was possible and inspired their lifelong journey of experiments and discovery. They grew up and invented the airplane.
Educational toys can start children on amazing journeys of science and discovery, just as the flying toy inspired the Wright brothers.
Today there are so many toys that finding the ones with true learning potential can be difficult.
This is where can help. We combine cartoons with the best toys to demonstrate scientific principles, Like the flow of electricity.
Take advantage of this opportunity to help children excel in science. Subscribe to our channel today to receive great science cartoons as they are released.
Then go to for more science experiments, science projects, science toys and science fun.

Added on the 18 Nov, 2016
1,304 YouTube views