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Found 38 results for Arm Rigged from images using Smooth Joint Pairs
Exporting Animations
Exporting Animations - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
6 June 2012LilredheadComics

Ready to share your Anime Studio work with the world? Learn how to export videos, image streams and Flash SWFs files in this easy to follow tutorial.

Cutting Out a Background with Masking
Cutting Out a Background with Masking - Anime Studio Tutorial
21 December 2013LilredheadComics

With masking in Moho (Anime Studio), you can remove certain things, such as backgrounds in images, with ease. While some may prefer to do such a thing in a program like Photoshop, using masks allows you to keep this task in Anime Studio.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

Importing Layered Photoshop Files (.psd)
Importing Layered Photoshop Files (.psd) - Anime Studio Tutorial
19 September 2015Smith Micro Graphics

New in Anime Studio 11 - Improved Photoshop File Support - Now new PSD layers will be applied into Anime Studio when the active file is updated in Photoshop. If layers are re-arranged, Anime Studio will maintain its own layer ordering but still reflect the visual changes made from Photoshop.

Female Mouths in Anime Studio
Female Mouths in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016ShoNuff93

This is an update/tutorial on making a rigged body turn character and creating lips for female characters.

This tutorial probably wasn't necessary because it literally can be summed up by saying "Watch my character creator tutorial. See the part where I make mouths? Just do that but add lips!" LOL! The same can be said about making a female character really. This is no difference in the construction of a male or female, just slightly different art. But I suppose this is good for those of you who just want to see creating mouths and that alone so in that sense it's good.

The body turn at the beginning is a little ambitious but I want to make a character that can really dance so I'm making it to see how much better I can make a music video like I did before with all of the new improvements to AS. Just wanted to keep you all posted!

Anime Cell Animation
Anime Cell Animation - Anime Studio tutorial
29 July 2013a244233256

See how Aogo has used Anime Studio with pre-drawn cells.

Once imported, he has used the scanned images to define key points in the animation, then used Anime Studio to produce the inbetweens / tweening.

Download the Anime Studio file here!

Rag Doll Physics on a character
Rag Doll Physics on a character - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018ShoNuff93

This is another physics-based tutorial in which you learn how to add physics to your character inside of an animation. You need to have the pro version of Anime Studio pro (at least version 9 I think) or MOHO 12 pro in order to use the built in physic engine.

This tutorial is easy to use but the results can vary widely due to the fact that physics animations just do what they want but that's the fun part! Playing with just a couple of settings can really change the outcome of your animations in just seconds. Sometimes they look great and sometimes they can be a twitchy mess. But if you looking for a fun easy way to automatically generate a character falling or have an object to explode, physics is the way to go!

Just play with it and have fun! Couple of things to REMEMBER, you need to have bone strength turned on for a rigged character to have physics applied to it. Also, while a character is being affected by physics you can NOT animate it! Pose your characters before and after physics is turned on!

Animate with Mike Scott
Animate with Mike Scott - Anime Studio Pro Tutorial
27 July 2013mikdog

In this tutorial we animate a simple scene with a character jumping over a puddle. We draw the character in Photoshop and import him into Anime Studio. I explain how to set the character up for import, we rig some bones to his legs and have him say a few lines, using Switch layers for the mouth.

Import from Photoshop to Moho
Import from Photoshop to Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

Learn how to import your PSD files from Photoshop straight to Moho in this tutorial. *Note: You can do this with any other drawing software that saves your artwork to PSD

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Smart Bone and Smart Warp
Smart Bone and Smart Warp - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

Learn how to take your rigging skills to the next level with these new features in Moho Pro 12. Smart Bones + Smart Warp = Awesome!

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2.5D Rig with Smart Warp Tutorial Moho Pro 12
2.5D Rig with Smart Warp Tutorial Moho Pro 12 - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

In this tutorial learn how to create a 2.5D effect for your rig in Moho Pro 12 using bitmap Photoshop layers and the new awesome feature (only in Moho Pro 12) Smart Warp

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Showing tutorials 21 to 30 of 38