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Found 52 results for Cartoon characters
How to create a reference background
How to create a reference background - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018ShoNuff93

Here is another background tutorial I made using a screenshot reference and a couple of perspective lines to recreate a cartoon background. I know it's long but you'll get the gist of it in the first 10 to 20 minutes.
I kept it in real time so you could see how long backgrounds can take sometimes even when you're only using them for a few seconds of animation.

Curve Profiles
Curve Profiles - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

A little technique on making continuous movement around vector objects using the curve profile option

Cut It Out With Masking
Cut It Out With Masking - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial on how to cutout photos that you import to anime studio. This technique uses masking and creates very sharp edges because the mask itself is a vector output!

Animating words with masking
Animating words with masking - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a quick tutorial on how to mask works to pass through an object. Masking has always been a little tricky to me in anime studio but with a little bit of messing around I found out how to do this and it looks pretty decent.

Hovering and Floating Effect
Hovering and Floating Effect - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This video is to show anime studio users how to make objects hover in just a few quick steps. This technique can be used for a variety of objects. UFO's, superhero's elemental effects ect

How to make a candle-lighter flame
How to make a candle-lighter flame - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial on how to make a flame in anime studio using one layer and the noise effect tool.

Exporting Animations
Exporting Animations - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
6 June 2012LilredheadComics

Ready to share your Anime Studio work with the world? Learn how to export videos, image streams and Flash SWFs files in this easy to follow tutorial.

Fun with Physics
Fun with Physics - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial on using physics in anime studio. It's in reference to to the dominoes tutorial I created earlier so view that for more info. This video was made to just show some of the features of the physics engine that's built into anime studio and inspire people to play with it more and come up with new ways of animating things.

Forward Walk Cycle II
Forward Walk Cycle II - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a revise video of how to make a forward facing character in anime studio. After seeing how Selgin used his walk ruler I realized that using reference points really helps out the animation. This looks much better than the original post.

Realistic Spotlight Effect
Realistic Spotlight Effect - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

Making a spotlight using simple layer effects to achieve realistic lighting.

Showing tutorials 11 to 20 of 52