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Found 3 results for Night view
Animate A Body Turn In Anime Studio
Animate A Body Turn In Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016ShoNuff93

I KNOW! Over an HOUR for a tutorial? I must be smoking something right? Well, this is actually trimmed down! I could have made the artwork and just made a basic turn but I wanted to go into detail on how I created a body turn from the very start. I personally think it is important to show the whole process because for one, it can give you a sense of how much time it might take and two, it's easier to share little tips and tricks I've learned while using this program. So many times I watch tutorials that are so good but leave out little tid bits or leave out problems they encounter which, if shared would have saved me tons of time. more

Techniques for creating light and shadow effects
Techniques for creating light and shadow effects - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is another "sort of" lighting and shadow tutorial. I probably could make a whole series on just lighting effects but I think these, in particular, are pretty useful and easy to do.
The first technique I show you is how to use just a simple cut out shape to create a spotlight. I've made a tutorial about this before but it's a good refresher.
The second little technique is creating shadows for a moving character. Yes, you can use the built-in shadow effect but this video shows you how to create a shadow that's a little more dynamic so you can place it anywhere you like.
And the last technique is creating police lights or flashing lights. It's just a little more tricky because it involves some masking and changing layer blending modes, but once you get it

Blood, sweat and tears in Moho (Anime Studio) Pro
Blood, sweat and tears in Moho (Anime Studio) Pro - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial shows you how to make dripping liquid using noise and the stroke exposure tool. I also use the noise effect to create blood. Really simple techniques that are quick and easy to execute!

Classic Horror 1 - Dark World by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Commons Attribution license | Source | Artist

Bump in the Night - Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license | Source | Artist

Showing tutorials 1 to 3 of 3