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Found 61 results for Show
Kinetic Motion Typography in MOHO
Kinetic Motion Typography in MOHO - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial shows some very basic techniques in making moving typography in Anime Studio or MOHO. I'm really new to typography but I think Anime Studio and MOHO you can do some really cool stuff with it.

I know other programs can do motion typography much easier and even have some default settings but I made this to show that it can be done in inside of these programs as well.

Given time, I think that anyone that uses Anime Studio/MOHO will be able to some amazing work with text and titles.

Anyway, again this is just a very simple way to start learning how to integrate text and sound together to make an animation. I'm sure I'll make a follow up tutorial on this subject when I'm a little bit better at it!

Back to the Future Effect in Moho
Back to the Future Effect in Moho - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

Hey everyone! So as the video says, I was taking WAY too long to create a cartoon intro for this video so I thought I'd better just split it up and show you the whole animation later. However, I don't want to have such a huge gap in time between uploads so I needed to put something up so I just did this first part showing you a couple of special effects on the car before it time jumps. This is just part one, showing a kind of electrical flame burst at the front of the car and then some cool trace lightning effect. It's just part one of the tutorials and I'll be making another one showing you how I make the car disappear, some spark effects and how to make a fire trail left by the tires.
You need pro versions of the program to use particles and whatnot so just be aware!

Hold or Throw Objects in Moho (Anime Studio) Pro
Hold or Throw Objects in Moho (Anime Studio) Pro - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

Hey everyone! A lot of people want to know how to hold and throw objects so here's a quick tutorial to show you how. This is not a new technique and has been around for a long time but I still thought I'd share for those of you who don't know how.

First, bind your object to a bone.
Second, parent that bone to your hand bone/s.
Third, to release, break the parenting of the object bone in the timeline!

You can use this technique to grab, hold or release with any object!

Webinar: Anime Studio Pro 11 for Animators
Webinar: Anime Studio Pro 11 for Animators - Anime Studio Webinar
24 September 2015Smith Micro Graphics

Already animating with Toon Boom, Flash or another animation program and looking for an alternative? Let us show you why Anime Studio Pro 11 is a fast, affordable and easy-to-use alternative. Join Mike Clifton, Creator of Anime Studio, in this 1-hour webinar as he gives you a quick tour of the Anime Studio Pro 11 interface and walks you through several of the key features. Mike will also give you a quick rundown of how the animation process works for both the frame-by-frame and bone rigged systems in Anime Studio Pro 11. The webinar concludes with a brief Q&A session where your questions are answered.

Techniques for creating light and shadow effects
Techniques for creating light and shadow effects - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is another "sort of" lighting and shadow tutorial. I probably could make a whole series on just lighting effects but I think these, in particular, are pretty useful and easy to do.
The first technique I show you is how to use just a simple cut out shape to create a spotlight. I've made a tutorial about this before but it's a good refresher.
The second little technique is creating shadows for a moving character. Yes, you can use the built-in shadow effect but this video shows you how to create a shadow that's a little more dynamic so you can place it anywhere you like.
And the last technique is creating police lights or flashing lights. It's just a little more tricky because it involves some masking and changing layer blending modes, but once you get it

Character creation in anime studio
Character creation in anime studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 February 2014middledistanceproduc

Watch as Jon creates a character in Anime Studio for his show 'Frank and Steve'

This file can be downloaded here!

"Frank and Steve, an idiot and a monster. In that order. British sitcom from anime studio featured artist Jon Canham"

Character Rigging Using Smart Bones Webinar
Character Rigging Using Smart Bones Webinar - Anime Studio 9 Pro Tutorial
1 October 2012Smith Micro Graphics

In this 1-hour webinar Victor Parades will show you how his workflow for character rigging has improved with the new features of Anime Studio Pro 9. Using Smart Bones, Victor will demonstrate how to set up very simple bone rigging to complex simulated 3D rigs which would have been impossible in previous versions. Watch this professional artist at work and gain a valuable insight into his workflow.

Webinar: An Overview of Frame-by-Frame
Webinar: An Overview of Frame-by-Frame - Anime Studio Webinar
14 June 2015Smith Micro Graphics

Learn more about the exciting new frame by frame capabilities in Anime Studio Pro 11 from professional animator Charles Kenway. Charles gives you a quick overview and shows you how he created the new Stick Fight animation produced entirely in Anime Studio, taking you from his animatic to the final render. He will show you how he used the Freehand tools and new brushes in Anime Studio to create the dramatic look of his scenes to achieve more natural looking results. The webinar will concludes a Q&A session where your questions are answered.

Download Anime Studio Webinar file (zip)

Morph Mouth
Morph Mouth - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This video is to show anime studio users how to create a morphing mouth with just one layer for artwork and multiple copies of that artwork to create several poses to be placed in a switch layer and used for lip syncing.

Morph Mouth: Part 2

Morph Mouth: Part 3

Creating a Star Wars background in Anime Studio
Creating a Star Wars background in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 May 2016ShoNuff93

This is a follow up to the light saber tutorial I did last week. A lot of people were asking me how I make the background for this and some of my other pieces of art. The answer is I usually do them in illustrator but for those of you who don't have that I thought I'd recreate (at least this one) in Anime studio.

It's nothing fancy but has a few good tips in it I think that might help save some time when creating stuff like this. This one again, is a little long but at least it's only like a TV show long instead of a movie! LOL!


Showing tutorials 41 to 50 of 61