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Found 44 results for add points
Eye Rigging Part 2
Eye Rigging Part 2 - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This second video on rigging an eye in anime studio is to show you how to add bones and bind them to points for easy control later on.

Eye Rigging Part 1

Eye Rigging Part 3

2 Point Perspective Interior In Moho
2 Point Perspective Interior In Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

I admit, I'm not that great at making background art in Anime Studio as I'm way more comfortable with other programs like Illustrator because of their tool sets but I also know that many of you would like to know how to do all of your creating in Anime Studio or MOHO so I made this.

It just shows the basic principals of using vanishing points just as you would if you were drawing on paper and truthfully, it get easier and easier as you do it.

This was fun but it took a lot longer than usual for me to do (about 2 and a half hours) as it's still a new process to me as well.

Hopefully some of you guys find this useful and if you have questions about it I can try and answer!

Bezier Curves in Moho (Anime Studio)
Bezier Curves in Moho (Anime Studio) - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

Learn what a bezier curve is, why you use it, and how to use it in Anime Studio.

Bezier Curve website

Animating a Running Character in Anime Studio
Animating a Running Character in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
21 December 2013LilredheadComics

By using a combination of onionskins, frame labelling and bone colouring, it's very possible to create a believable running animation cycle no matter what type of character design is used.
Along with this video is a workflow chart you may find useful.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

Making South Park Characters in Moho
Making South Park Characters in Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

This is part one of how to make South Park characters in Anime Studio. This really only covers the first part of making the head and rigging the mouths. It's very simple but setting up the mouths takes a little bit of time. The other parts I plan to make should go much faster than this one but we will see! I'm just making it up as I go!!

Add Point Tool
Add Point Tool - Anime Studio Debut 8
4 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

The add point tool allows you to add points to an existing shape or to draw an entirely new shape.

Curve Profile
Curve Profile - Anime Studio Pro 7 Tutorial
17 June 2012Funksmaname

A couple of uses for the Curve profile tool...
Discuss here:

The reason the shape moved so much when i moved that point was because it was the first point I drew when creating the shape - so it uses this shape origin as the starting point for wrapping the profile. Moving other points causes much less warping

Point level animation
Point level animation - Anime Studio 7 Pro Tutorial
19 June 2012crowquill66

Correction: "I keep calling the mouth one shape, but really it's one object... they are separate shapes connected or joined shapes. The mouth object sits on only one layer." jg

A quick explanation of how I set up a character in Anime
Studio Pro 7 and animate them using point level animation. A great way to add stretch and squash to your characters.

If you find this explanation helpful then please comment so that I know to make more. I could also make some more detailed tutorials.

Thank you for watching.=)

You can see the finished cartoon here:

Character creation in anime studio
Character creation in anime studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 February 2014middledistanceproduc

Watch as Jon creates a character in Anime Studio for his show 'Frank and Steve'

This file can be downloaded here!

"Frank and Steve, an idiot and a monster. In that order. British sitcom from anime studio featured artist Jon Canham"

Adding Facial Highlights to a Character
Adding Facial Highlights to a Character - Anime Studio Tutorial
23 February 2014LilredheadComics

In part 3 on our series for shading, we add some highlights to the character's face to give the piece more volume. This includes adding highlights to the character's eyes as well. We do this with Anime Studio's Draw Shape and Add Point Tools.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5

Showing tutorials 31 to 40 of 44