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Found 135 results for animation competition
Animating and Rigging Quadrupeds
Animating and Rigging Quadrupeds - Anime Studio Tutorial
29 January 2016Smith Micro Graphics

Animating quadrupeds with bones may seem complicated, but the right tools can make it faster and easier to get smooth, lively results. Join Anime Studio Master Victor Paredes in this 1-hour webinar where he will demonstrate helpful techniques to make the rigging and walk animation process much simpler using Anime Studio Pro 11. Learn how Target Bones give you more control, how Additive cycles make the process quicker, and how overlapping actions make your quadruped look more alive. All of this and more will be demonstrated, plus you'll have the opportunity to get your questions answered by an expert!

For more information on our Anime Studio webinars go to:

Thank you to artist Yi-Jen Liu for the use of her character in this webinar.

Fighting Scene in Anime Studio
Fighting Scene in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial is not a how to create a specific fight sequence in Anime Studio but rather some tips, tricks and techniques that will allow you to create certain movements and interactions with more than one character.

It goes over using cycles to create jumping, perpetual motion, additive cycles, the use of onion skins to help make walking movements, hot to create a punch and reaction and using reference layers to create different depths for individual parts of each character.

Making a tutorial on creating an actual complete fight scene would take days if not weeks to cover everything so think of this as more of a tips video than anything else!

If you've never created a character in Anime Studio before I suggest you watch my tutorials for designing a character and the AT-AT walker to see how to rig a character and how to use target bones. The character design tutorial also covers how I make a face rig too!

If you're looking to make a much more complex type of fight scene, look up frame-by-frame animation and fight scenes on youtube. There are a few great tutorials on the subject and don't pass up the flash ones as the principal is the same!

Picture Book made in Moho Pro 12
Picture Book made in Moho Pro 12 - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017Stayf Draws

How to Animate a Picture Book in Moho Pro 12 Using Original Illustrations. I animated my own picture book Little Angel using Moho 12. The movie is available as a movie and on iBooks with the movie included.

Little Angel on iBooks
Little Angel Movie on Vimeo:

When you want animate a picture book in Moho (formally known as Anime Studio) you first need to edit the original illustration in Photoshop. First you need to decide which parts of the scene need to be animated. Then make different layers of the characters you want to animate. If you want to use dialogue in the scene you will need different mouth shapes. When you have finished in Photoshop export your file as a PSD. Then you can import the PSD in Moho. Choose individually, then all of the layers will be exported separately. Then you can setup your character, using bones. Or for simpler animations you can also animate with the transform tool. Photoshop I did all the editing of the illustration in Photoshop 2015 and I am now using Photoshop 2017. Photoshop is part of Adobe Creative Cloud. It is available in the total Creative Cloud plan, or you can choose to go for a single license.

Webinar: Animations in Anime Studio Pro 11
Webinar: Animations in Anime Studio Pro 11 - Anime Studio Webinar
10 August 2015Smith Micro Graphics

Join Anime Studio Master Victor Paredes in this 1-hour webinar as he shows you how he creates animations using Anime Studio Pro 11. Victor will quickly walk you through the new frame-by-frame and reference layers features and share some exciting ways to put them to use. He will then show you how he creates animations using both bone rigged and frame-by-frame methods. Victor will then share some of his tricks on using other new features along with some non-standard techniques to get you thinking outside of the box. The webinar concludes with a Q&A session where your questions are answered.

The book that Victor refers to in the webinar is titled Elemental Magic: Volume 1 - The Art of Special Effects Animation by Joseph Gilland.

Another book that Victor recommends is The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams.

*We apologize for the technical difficulties that occur in this webinar*

Simplificando el proceso de Animacion
Simplificando el proceso de Animacion - Anime Studio Webinar
6 November 2015Smith Micro Graphics

Únete al animador y maestro de Anime Studio, Víctor Paredes, en su webinar de una hora en el que mostrará cómo simplificar y acelerar tu proceso de animación al usar Personajes y Fondos prediseñados. El contenido prediseñado es una gran alternativa para principiantes que aún consideran difícil el crear su propio arte y puede significar un ahorro de tiempo considerable para profesionales con plazos apretados. Para artistas que están buscando crear y vender sus propios contenidos, Víctor compartirá su opinión sobre qué debería incluir un buen paquete de contenido. Además, compartirá algunos trucos útiles para poder hacerlo más fácilmente.

Join award-winning animator and Anime Studio Master Victor Paredes in this 1-hour webinar as he shows you how to simplify your workflow and speed up your animation process by using pre-made characters and backgrounds in Anime Studio. Pre-made content is great for beginners who still find it challenging to create their own and it can be a time saver for professionals with tight deadlines. For artists who are looking to create and sell their own content packs, Victor will share his opinion on what they should include and share a few helpful tricks to make it easier.

Showing tutorials 131 to 135 of 135