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Found 135 results for animation webinar
Water Waves in Anime Studio
Water Waves in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial is on how to animate water waves in Anime Studio Pro. With one piece of artwork and a small amount of animating frames, you can simulate the movement of a liquid surface. It's a fairly straight forward tutorial but you must have Anime Studio Pro in order to use the particles. Also, be aware that using large amounts of particles that also contain effects like blurring or gradients will slow down your computer when rendering. Make sure you have your animation down before doing a full render!

How to use physics in Anime Studio
How to use physics in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 May 2016ShoNuff93

Probably one of the least used, best kept secrets of Anime Studio is the EXTREMELY powerful physics engine that can be used to create animations! This tutorial just covers the basics of physics but only scratches the surface of what you can to with it!

You can create crumbling buildings, breaking glass, destructible environments and debris, impact objects like bowling pins, rag doll characters... the list of possibilities goes on and on!

It isn't used a lot from what I've seen but hopefully those of you who see this find this useful and start using it more and more! It is extremely fun to play around with and with the right imagination could be really useful in practical animations!

01 Simple Morphing Mouth Rig
01 Simple Morphing Mouth Rig - Anime Studio Tutorial
8 December 2015Illuminate

Anime Studio for After Effects Users
Chuck shows how to create a simple morphing mouth rig in Anime Studio! Get to know the power behind smart bones, and understand some of the working concepts behind Anime Studio's powerful features!

Animating a Running Character in Anime Studio
Animating a Running Character in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
21 December 2013LilredheadComics

By using a combination of onionskins, frame labelling and bone colouring, it's very possible to create a believable running animation cycle no matter what type of character design is used.
Along with this video is a workflow chart you may find useful.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

Eye Rigging Part 3
Eye Rigging Part 3 - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

The last video on eye rigging that shows you how to animate and duplicate the eyes for quick animations in anime studio.

Eye Rigging Part 1

Eye Rigging Part 2

Setting Up Eyes for a Detailed Head Turn
Setting Up Eyes for a Detailed Head Turn - Anime Studio Tutorial
21 January 2014LilredheadComics

In Part 1 of this three part series, we take a mug shot of a character and rig his eyes for blinking. Not only can this animation be used for many things down the road, but it will allow us to create a convincing head turn in Part 3.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Animate with Mike Scott
Animate with Mike Scott - Anime Studio Pro Tutorial
27 July 2013mikdog

In this tutorial we animate a simple scene with a character jumping over a puddle. We draw the character in Photoshop and import him into Anime Studio. I explain how to set the character up for import, we rig some bones to his legs and have him say a few lines, using Switch layers for the mouth.

Making South Park Characters in Moho
Making South Park Characters in Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

This is part one of how to make South Park characters in Anime Studio. This really only covers the first part of making the head and rigging the mouths. It's very simple but setting up the mouths takes a little bit of time. The other parts I plan to make should go much faster than this one but we will see! I'm just making it up as I go!!

Using Photoshop Assets
Using Photoshop Assets - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a two part tutorial on making assets in photoshop and using them in anime studio. It's not a real comprehensive tutorial on the subject but it give you a general idea on what you can do using photoshop and layer effects. I'd say it might be useful for anyone who wants to you gradient transparencies or effects that can't be replicated easily in AS.

Photoshop Assets In Anime Studio: Part 2

Using Photoshop Assets II
Using Photoshop Assets II - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

Part 2: This is a two part tutorial on making assets in photoshop and using them in anime studio. It's not a real comprehensive tutorial on the subject but it give you a general idea on what you can do using photoshop and layer effects. I'd say it might be useful for anyone who wants to you gradient transparencies or effects that can't be replicated easily in AS.

Photoshop Assets In Anime Studio: Part 1

Showing tutorials 101 to 110 of 135