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Found 12 results for curve
Stroke Exposure
Stroke Exposure - Anime Studio Feature
16 March 2013Smith Micro Graphics

The Stroke Exposure tool is located in the Fill section of the tool box. Normally, when you apply a stroke to a curve, you see the stroke along the entire curve. With the Stroke Exposure tool, you can click and drag on a curve that has a stroke and control where the curve starts and ends.

Curve Profile Tool
Curve Profile Tool - Anime Studio 9 Pro Feature
16 March 2013Smith Micro Graphics

Curve profiles provide a way to add interesting detail to a shape. You use the Curve Profile tool to create these details on a shape. You select a shape on a layer. Additional curves that define the profile can appear on the same layer.

Anime Studio Pro Only Feature

Curve Profiles
Curve Profiles - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

A little technique on making continuous movement around vector objects using the curve profile option

Curve Profile
Curve Profile - Anime Studio Pro 7 Tutorial
17 June 2012Funksmaname

A couple of uses for the Curve profile tool...
Discuss here:

The reason the shape moved so much when i moved that point was because it was the first point I drew when creating the shape - so it uses this shape origin as the starting point for wrapping the profile. Moving other points causes much less warping

How to use the curve profile tool in Moho
How to use the curve profile tool in Moho - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial about using the curve profile tool. It's something that I think most new users are unaware of or don't really know how it works so in this video I show you it's basic functions and how you might apply it to artwork and animations directly in the program.
It's really easy to use once you get the hang of it and it can really save you a lot of time when creating details.
I also show you how to use the follow path tool a bit in this tutorial to show you how to create a moving tank tread and wheels as seen in the intro part of the video.
As always if you have questions comments or concerns just leave them down below and thanks for watching!

Bezier Curves in Moho (Anime Studio)
Bezier Curves in Moho (Anime Studio) - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

Learn what a bezier curve is, why you use it, and how to use it in Anime Studio.

Bezier Curve website

Layer Copies Script
Layer Copies Script - Moho Tutorial
15 August 2019Mult Rush

In this video we'll introduce the new script from Stan, which allows you to create layer copies (or references), with advanced settings - randomization, XYZ axes control, distribution along a curve, etc.

How to make speech or talk bubbles
How to make speech or talk bubbles - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

This one is pretty easy to do. Draw a bubble add some text, hide it, reveal it, hide it again! Simple enough but just in case you wanted to add a touch of movement to thought bubbles I thought I'd add that too.

Plus, I got over using curve profiles a bit. It's a tool that many of you have probably never heard of or used but it's really pretty cool so check it out!

Animated arc in Anime Studio
Animated arc in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Pro and Debut
27 July 2013sbtamu

How to animate the outline stoke of an arc in Anime Studio using the stroke exposure tool.

Layer Copies Script Part 2
Layer Copies Script Part 2 - Moho Tutorial
19 September 2019Mult Rush

In this video we'll continue with the new Moho script from Stan, which allows you to create layer copies (or references), with advanced settings - randomization, XYZ axes control, distribution along a curve, etc.

English subtitles are available.

Showing tutorials 1 to 10 of 12