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Found 4 results for Clone
Clone & Offset Layers - Free Tool by Mynd
Clone & Offset Layers - Free Tool by Mynd - Moho (Anime Studio) Script
20 June 2018Mynd SK

A powerful way to copy and create new layers that continue any changes made to further copies.

Idea and Management: Mynd
Coding: Derek Root

If you like our tools, please support further Moho Pro tools development here:

Clone & Offset Shape - Tool for Moho Pro by Mynd
Clone & Offset Shape - Tool for Moho Pro by Mynd - Moho (Anime Studio) Script
25 June 2018Mynd SK

Idea and Management: Mynd
Coding: Derek Root.

If you like our tools, please support further Moho Pro tools development here:


Layer Copies Script Part 2
Layer Copies Script Part 2 - Moho Tutorial
19 September 2019Mult Rush

In this video we'll continue with the new Moho script from Stan, which allows you to create layer copies (or references), with advanced settings - randomization, XYZ axes control, distribution along a curve, etc.

English subtitles are available.

Shadow clones for your characters
Shadow clones for your characters - Moho Pro Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is a very quick, super easy tutorial on how to make a kind of shadow character time-lapse effect similar to the super effect you see on fighting games like Street Fighter Alpha or in Anime and movies!
It's very simple. Create an animation, duplicate your character, use a little grouping and masking and mess with the sequencer and some layer effects and that's it!
It may sound like a lot but trust me, it takes about 2 minutes to execute once you've learned it!

Showing tutorials 1 to 4 of 4