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Found 74 results for IT

Xmas Letter Competition
Xmas Letter Competition
16 December 2014 chasethepassion

This is an animated Xmas that I created within 2 days. Hope you like it.

Youtube video removed by user (ID: FmUIOJMx0Zs)

Little Big Monster
Little Big Monster
24 July 2018 thedirector

All animation and begining credits were Created in Moho 12 Used Corel Video Studio for an fx transition the ending credit "the end" in 3d and added all the sounds using corel. The sounds of the car engine and foot steps belong to Daniel Simon which you can download from the Sound Bible website.

Saitama ON training PART 1
Saitama ON training PART 1
31 July 2019 pakyan

Riging and animate in moho pro 12. background by

thanks for watching..

Face Morph with Moho Pro 12
Face Morph with Moho Pro 12
17 August 2016 admin

See how Elvis morphs into a lion!
Made in Moho Pro 12 using the new Smart Warp feature.

Layer Sorting With Smart Bones
Layer Sorting With Smart Bones
1 August 2013 admin

*Anime Studio 9.2+ required.

As we can't yet use the 'Animated Layer Order' with smart bones, the work around is to control the layers with their Z-axis setting. In the two examples provided you will see how one smart bone moves a layer to the back or front.

The setup:
Frame 0 of the Mainline in the smart bone action (X: +0.001)
Frame 1 in the positive action of the smart bone for the layer that you need to control. (X: +0.001)
Frame 1 in the reverse action (X: -0.001)

the fruits show
the fruits show
13 May 2021 mr0mactosh

espero que vcs tenham gostado da animação!!!!
galera não se esqueçam do like!! e de se inscrever no canal e é claro compartilha ai né!!!!

Pirate with Rum
Pirate with Rum
11 June 2017 BlueButterflies

Please credit all sources correctly.

The Animation and Artwork are by Olivia Billman Williams.

The Music on this video is by Eric Matyas. Go to to see how properly attribute him.

I would love to see the creations made with this. Please send me a link! smile

Digital Numbers
Digital Numbers
20 February 2014 admin

A switch layer with numbers in.
This could be used for a digital clock, alarm, count down etc.

Here 60 seconds are shown in a gif:

Anime Waiting For You
Anime Waiting For You
8 March 2018 tranexxx

a clip when a girl was waiting someone but he didn't come..
will you come to her? tongue

James Bon  fire spirit
James Bon fire spirit
22 October 2018 thedirector

Created using frame by frame on the entire Bonfire. Music is an intro to a song I recorded along time ago. Fire Place & Fire Burning were acquired free from

Showing tutorials 1 to 10 of 74