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Found 4 results for paper

Paper Airplane
Paper Airplane
7 July 2017 admin

A simple paper airplane controlled by two smart bones.
This uses just shapes in one vector layer.

Twisting Images
Twisting Images
19 August 2016 admin

Bones can change raster images if you change the bones position after frame 0.
Here the images are simply moved over some bones to create this twisting effect.
This could be used for falling items (paper, money etc.), smoke, special effects etc.

Created using bones and images in Moho Pro 12
This can also be done in older versions of Anime Studio Pro

Image Textures in Anime Studio Example
Image Textures in Anime Studio Example
11 May 2013 admin

This quick example file shows a few ways to use image textures with vector layers in Anime Studio

Starting at the top left and going clockwise:
1. This star has bones to manipulate its shape. Notice how the image texture bends and morphs.
2. The texture is moved and resized
. Only the stars points have been moved
4. The vector layer has been scaled and rotated
5. The layer has been moved and rotated

*The image texture is added as a style effect

Cutout Style
Cutout Style
5 December 2015 admin

Here are two ways to create a paper cutout (cut-out) effect in Anime Studio.

The first is with the layer shadow set to Offset: 0, Blur: 0, Expansion: 10 and the colour set to white and Alpha: 255.
This has then been placed within a group with a small shadow.

The second is with a white mask that is larger than the image.
This has also been placed within a group with a small shadow.

There is a third way, but you have less control, and it doesn't look as good:
File > Project Settings > Render Style > Layer Style > Cutout

Included is a version for Anime Studio Pro 9 and Anime Studio Pro 11.

Showing tutorials 1 to 4 of 4