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Found 4 results for screen

23 October 2014 sharonlee811

Miss Thing walking across the screen

Head Rig with Interpolated Sub Layers for Lip Syncing
Head Rig with Interpolated Sub Layers for Lip Syncing
15 July 2019 sketchysquirrel

Here is a head rig that utilises sublayer interpolation for lip syncing. I have also included an explanation of the rig (as a screen capture).

Cardiogram Animation
Cardiogram Animation
18 June 2018 admin

Masks and referenced layers were used to create this animation.

TV Static V2
TV Static V2
3 April 2016 admin

Here is another way to create a TV static effect
-Pixelation is set to 2 on the TV screen group layer
--The layer inside this group has 'Noise' set to 250 then loops down to 230 over 25 frames

Thanks to Víctor Paredes for the pointer.

It's best watched in 480p or better.
Version 1 can be found here

Showing tutorials 1 to 4 of 4