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Found 4 results for small car
Moving a Pump with Physics
Moving a Pump with Physics - Anime Studio Pro Tutorial
31 May 2013AnimeStudioTutor

Animating this small graphic was made easy with the help of bones and physics. This tutorial gives a quick overview of how this was created.

Water Waves in Anime Studio
Water Waves in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial is on how to animate water waves in Anime Studio Pro. With one piece of artwork and a small amount of animating frames, you can simulate the movement of a liquid surface. It's a fairly straight forward tutorial but you must have Anime Studio Pro in order to use the particles. Also, be aware that using large amounts of particles that also contain effects like blurring or gradients will slow down your computer when rendering. Make sure you have your animation down before doing a full render!

How to use Actions to speed up your animating work
How to use Actions to speed up your animating work - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

This tutorial might be a little confusing because I ramble and I don't edit my videos much so bare with me because this one can REALLY, REALLY help you speed up you animation workflow! Actions have been a part of MOHO/Anime Studio for a long time but I'm kinda slow so I didn't really recognize the power they have and how helpful they will be to anyone learning how to use these programs.
Actions are small (but can be very long and complex) animations that you can save and reuse throughout your animations. They can be tricky to learn but once you do, you'll use them all the time!
Hopefully, I explained it well enough but I'm just getting use to using them as well but if you have questions, just ask in a comment down below. You can also check for other tutorials on youtube that explain actions or go to the MOHO Pro 12 facebook page or SmithMicro official forum if I can't help! In any case, it's something worth knowing!

How to make pixel art (sprites) in anime studio
How to make pixel art (sprites) in anime studio - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 November 2016ShoNuff93

So this is very new to me as too, but I wanted to learn how to make sprite animations. It was really easy to figure out how to recreate sprites looking characters in Anime Studio with the grid tool as well as finding good source materials on the web.

This tutorial goes over recreating sprites that you've found on the web but you can also use this to create your own pixel art characters and backgrounds.

I'll probably end up making another tutorial on this when I've gotten it down a little better but this should help you get started anyway.

The small cartoon clips are just fan animations I made for a YouTuber named Dashiexp. He's a YouTuber that does comedy sketches and gameplays. I think he's hilarious and since he plays old school games, he was the perfect subject matter to see if I could make a pixel art cartoon.

You can check out his game channel here!

Showing tutorials 1 to 4 of 4