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Using frame by frame animation in Anime Studio

Using Frame By Frame Animation In Anime Studio


Tutorial Number: 349
Made with: Anime Studio Pro 11.2
Level: Expert

With the new addition to frame by frame animation layers in Anime Studio I thought I'd take a crack at making a tutorial on how to use it. As I'm also a newbie when it comes to using this new addition to the software I thought is was important to not speed up the process and "try" and talk through the process while I worked out what I was doing. It's makes for a long video but I think it helps describe some of the basic concepts of using this new layer type!

Frame by frame animation is AWESOME but it is also can be extremely time consuming! I advise anyone wanting to get into using the frame by frame option in AS to reference from amazing websites like pinterest or deviantart to see how other animators processes! Oh and better yet, look right here on youtube for tutorials on traditional, hand drawn frame by frame tutorials. The concepts translate directly to AS so look around and see what you can find!

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Added: 14 May 2016
Tutorial Views: 5152
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