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Found 142 results for Moho pro
Smart Warp Actions in Moho Pro 12
Smart Warp Actions in Moho Pro 12 - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

Smart Warp Actions are a really powerful - new tool - to bring your illustrations to life and give you more control!

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Flexi-Binding Method Moho Pro 12 Rigging Tutor
Flexi-Binding Method Moho Pro 12 Rigging Tutor - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017McCoy Buck

In this tutorial you will learn the Flexi-bind method in Moho Pro 12. This popular rigging method was introduced in Anime Studio 9.5 and is perfect for both vector and bitmap.

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Making Puffin Rock Webinar - Moho in a TV Series
Making Puffin Rock Webinar - Moho in a TV Series - Moho (Anime Studio) Webinar
20 October 2016Smith Micro Graphics

Making a TV series is a bit like a puzzle and Moho animation software is an essential piece that completes it. In this webinar, Jeremy Purcell (Assistant Director) will be showing how Moho worked with other tools like Shotgun, Deadline, Photoshop and After Effects to produce the TV Series Puffin Rock.

Topics that will be covered in this webinar include:

- Bringing a character from design to compositing
- Seeing inside a character model
- Working with a studio in another country on the same files
- Seeing what a scene file is made up of

This is a chance for you to see how a bigger animation production, Puffin Rock, and its 78 x 7 minute episodes structured a pipeline around Moho to get the best out of the software as well as how it works with other departments in the production.

About the Presenter: Jeremy was Assistant Director on two seasons of Puffin Rock, for a total of 78 episodes. Prior to that, he was Efx Supervisor on two feature films with Cartoon Saloon: 'Brendan and the Secret of Kells' and 'Song of the Sea'. He is currently working on Cartoon Saloon's next feature, 'The Breadwinner', as well as in pre-production on their next Moho TV series.

How to install the free Mynd Tools for Moho Pro
How to install the free Mynd Tools for Moho Pro - Moho (Anime Studio) Script
21 June 2018Mynd SK

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The supporting file contains all the tools. They can also be downloaded individually from their respective tutorial pages.

Spinning Globe Effect in Moho Pro
Spinning Globe Effect in Moho Pro - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018ShoNuff93

As you can see by the beginning intro this tutorial will show you how to create a spinning globe effect in Anime Studio/MOHO with the help of clipping masks and a little bit of cycling animation. You'll learn how to use group folders to use masks as well as how to recolour a .png file that has a transparency. It's pretty simple but really effective.

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Delete Animation - Free Tool for Moho Pro by Mynd
Delete Animation - Free Tool for Moho Pro by Mynd - Moho (Anime Studio) Script
20 June 2018Mynd SK

Delete all keypoints forward from the current position in the timeline, and from more than one layer at a time.

Idea and Management: Mynd
Coding: Mitchel Soltys.

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Bezier Vector Handles
Bezier Vector Handles - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
14 August 2016Smith Micro Graphics

Bezier Vector Handles have been introduced in Moho 12. They allow you to design your vector graphics in different ways. You get more precision being able to modify your lines with the bezier handles. They work in a way similar to other design software such as Adobe Illustrator.

Moho - Complete Animation Software for Professionals and Digital Artists

Everything you need to make amazing, professional animation. MohoPro 12 (formerly Anime Studio Pro) offers the most powerful 2D rigging system of the market and mix it with traditional animation tools, allowing to get professional results easier and faster.

Moho™ Pro 12 is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to traditional animation. With an intuitive interface and robust features such Smart Bones™, Smart Warp, Bezier handles optimized for animation, frame-by-frame tools, a professional Timeline, physics, motion tracking, motion graphs, 64-bit architecture and much more, MohoPro 12 delivers advanced animation tools to speed up your workflow and combines cutting-edge features with powerful technology for the most unique animation program for digital artists

How to use the curve profile tool in Moho
How to use the curve profile tool in Moho - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial about using the curve profile tool. It's something that I think most new users are unaware of or don't really know how it works so in this video I show you it's basic functions and how you might apply it to artwork and animations directly in the program.
It's really easy to use once you get the hang of it and it can really save you a lot of time when creating details.
I also show you how to use the follow path tool a bit in this tutorial to show you how to create a moving tank tread and wheels as seen in the intro part of the video.
As always if you have questions comments or concerns just leave them down below and thanks for watching!

Target Bones Moho Pro 12
Target Bones Moho Pro 12 - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
23 April 2017McCoy Buck

Target Bones are a really powerful tool that was introduced in Anime Studio 10. In this lecture learn exactly how a target bone works, why you would use it, and how you would use it.

This is from the Intermediate Rigging Course

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How to Animate a Flame in 5 Minutes
How to Animate a Flame in 5 Minutes - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017Stayf Draws

Moho Anime Studio: How to Animate a Flame in 5 Minutes In this video I explain how to animate a flame in 5 minutes using bones in Moho. I import a PSD files with the background, the Flame and the glow. I will animate the flame and the glow and loop the animation in Moho. You can do this in 5 minutes!

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Showing tutorials 41 to 50 of 142