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Found 431 results for anime fight
Fighting Scene in Anime Studio
Fighting Scene in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial is not a how to create a specific fight sequence in Anime Studio but rather some tips, tricks and techniques that will allow you to create certain movements and interactions with more than one character.

It goes over using cycles to create jumping, perpetual motion, additive cycles, the use of onion skins to help make walking movements, hot to create a punch and reaction and using reference layers to create different depths for individual parts of each character.

Making a tutorial on creating an actual complete fight scene would take days if not weeks to cover everything so think of this as more of a tips video than anything else!

If you've never created a character in Anime Studio before I suggest you watch my tutorials for designing a character and the AT-AT walker to see how to rig a character and how to use target bones. The character design tutorial also covers how I make a face rig too!

If you're looking to make a much more complex type of fight scene, look up frame-by-frame animation and fight scenes on youtube. There are a few great tutorials on the subject and don't pass up the flash ones as the principal is the same!

Webinar: An Overview of Frame-by-Frame
Webinar: An Overview of Frame-by-Frame - Anime Studio Webinar
14 June 2015Smith Micro Graphics

Learn more about the exciting new frame by frame capabilities in Anime Studio Pro 11 from professional animator Charles Kenway. Charles gives you a quick overview and shows you how he created the new Stick Fight animation produced entirely in Anime Studio, taking you from his animatic to the final render. He will show you how he used the Freehand tools and new brushes in Anime Studio to create the dramatic look of his scenes to achieve more natural looking results. The webinar will concludes a Q&A session where your questions are answered.

Download Anime Studio Webinar file (zip)

Forward Walk Cycle
Forward Walk Cycle - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial was made to show anime studio users how to use the bone scale, bone rotate and camera tools to make a simple walk cycle animation for a forward facing character.

Forward Walk Cycle II
Forward Walk Cycle II - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a revise video of how to make a forward facing character in anime studio. After seeing how Selgin used his walk ruler I realized that using reference points really helps out the animation. This looks much better than the original post.

Making Cloth
Making Cloth - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a quick 5 minute tutorial on how to simulate cloth movement in anime studio. It's a pretty simple concept but very effective. You can fine tune the technique to make very realistic clothes for characters, flags, capes ect.

Hovering and Floating Effect
Hovering and Floating Effect - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This video is to show anime studio users how to make objects hover in just a few quick steps. This technique can be used for a variety of objects. UFO's, superhero's elemental effects ect

Layer Ordering For Beginners
Layer Ordering For Beginners - Anime Studio 8 Tutorial
10 August 2012AnimeStudioTutor

This is a basic tutorial on setting up Anime Studio to allow animated layers.

Once layer ordering has been turned on, any re-ordering of the layers will be recorded.

For example, if you move 5 seconds into the animation, and move a layer from the bottom of the group to the top, a key point would be added. When the animation reaches this point that layer will go from the bottom to the top - i.e. from the back to in front.

Webinar: Speed Up Your Workflow
Webinar: Speed Up Your Workflow - Anime Studio Pro 8 Webinar
24 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

Join Victor Paredes as he shares with you his special techniques and tips to speed up your workflow in Anime Studio. See the various ways he creates walk cycles - one of the biggest challenges in animation. Learn how to improve head rotations in your animations as he discusses easy tracing tips, drawing for animation, using symmetry within Anime Studio, and how to use blend morphs effectively. In addition, Victor will share his insights on rigging soft shapes and show you how he brings his characters to life.

The supporting file contains the walk ruler.

Render Styles
Render Styles - Anime Studio Pro 8
6 June 2012LilredheadComics

In this short lesson, Chad shows you how to apply quick, stylized effects to your Anime Studio animation. This can greatly boost the visual appeal of your project and save you time in the process.

Lip Sync Basics
Lip Sync Basics - Anime Studio Pro 7 Tutorial
28 June 2012CartoonLearning

How to lip sync in Anime Studio. Watch this Anime Studio lip sync tutorial if you've been having problems getting your character's mouth correct.

Showing tutorials 1 to 10 of 431