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Found 34 results for masking in animation
How to create the classic Marvel movie intro
How to create the classic Marvel movie intro - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

So "Avengers End Game" is coming out today so I thought I'd do a tutorial on making the classic Marvel movie intro using Anime Studio!
Yes, this could be done in other programs but I wanted to show you guys that text effects can be done fairly easy directly in the program and can be modified to suit your subject matter.
I'm going to start making other text themed tutorial so if you guys have any ideas on what you'd like to see let me know!
For any Patron's reading this, I'll be sending you the file soon so you can see exactly how it's constructed.
There are a lot of fading in and fading out keyframes that I had to fiddle with to make it look exactly how I wanted so you can see where I put them in.

Techniques for creating light and shadow effects
Techniques for creating light and shadow effects - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is another "sort of" lighting and shadow tutorial. I probably could make a whole series on just lighting effects but I think these, in particular, are pretty useful and easy to do.
The first technique I show you is how to use just a simple cut out shape to create a spotlight. I've made a tutorial about this before but it's a good refresher.
The second little technique is creating shadows for a moving character. Yes, you can use the built-in shadow effect but this video shows you how to create a shadow that's a little more dynamic so you can place it anywhere you like.
And the last technique is creating police lights or flashing lights. It's just a little more tricky because it involves some masking and changing layer blending modes, but once you get it

Creating a Star Wars background in Anime Studio
Creating a Star Wars background in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 May 2016ShoNuff93

This is a follow up to the light saber tutorial I did last week. A lot of people were asking me how I make the background for this and some of my other pieces of art. The answer is I usually do them in illustrator but for those of you who don't have that I thought I'd recreate (at least this one) in Anime studio.

It's nothing fancy but has a few good tips in it I think that might help save some time when creating stuff like this. This one again, is a little long but at least it's only like a TV show long instead of a movie! LOL!


Rigging Proper Strawberry
Rigging Proper Strawberry - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
23 April 2017McCoy Buck

Learn how to rig Proper Strawberry - step by step in this live workshop.

This is part 1 - Part 2 | Part 3

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Showing tutorials 31 to 34 of 34