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Found 34 results for simple animation
Swarms of insects or critters in Moho
Swarms of insects or critters in Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

Need ants crawling around a garbage can? Or some roaches for a spooky movie scene? Maybe you want to create a pond with fish swimming around it. If so, this tutorial might help. It is a simple way to use a simple animation and particles to create moving swarms.

It uses particles and the follow path tool and a tiny bit of animation on your character and thats it. It is easy to manipulate the speed and direction of your characters with this technique. If you have any questions let me know!

01 Simple Morphing Mouth Rig
01 Simple Morphing Mouth Rig - Anime Studio Tutorial
8 December 2015Illuminate

Anime Studio for After Effects Users
Chuck shows how to create a simple morphing mouth rig in Anime Studio! Get to know the power behind smart bones, and understand some of the working concepts behind Anime Studio's powerful features!

How to create a UNIVERSAL eye rig
How to create a UNIVERSAL eye rig - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
1 October 2017mtbuck24

In this eye rig video tutorial I am going to show you how to create a simple eye rig that you can reuse multiple times and change up to whichever style you would like.

In this tutorial we will cover:
- Masks
- Smart Bones
- Control Bones
- Simple Animations

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How to make eyes automatically follow an object
How to make eyes automatically follow an object - Moho Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

Hey, what's up, everyone. So this tutorial is really, really simple but it also is really useful and could potentially save you a LOT of time when it comes to having your characters make eye contact or look at moving objects in general.
The tutorial teaches you how to create a simple eye rig and use the targeting function to have the pupils look directly at an object at all times.
It only takes a minute or two if you construct and again it will save you a lot of time so you don't have to keep keyframing eye positions! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, leave a comment down below!
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Forward Walk Cycle
Forward Walk Cycle - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial was made to show anime studio users how to use the bone scale, bone rotate and camera tools to make a simple walk cycle animation for a forward facing character.

Bone Rigging
Bone Rigging - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
4 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

In this video you will see how easy it is to rig a simple character.

Making Cloth
Making Cloth - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a quick 5 minute tutorial on how to simulate cloth movement in anime studio. It's a pretty simple concept but very effective. You can fine tune the technique to make very realistic clothes for characters, flags, capes ect.

Realistic Spotlight Effect
Realistic Spotlight Effect - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

Making a spotlight using simple layer effects to achieve realistic lighting.

Shadow clones for your characters
Shadow clones for your characters - Moho Pro Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is a very quick, super easy tutorial on how to make a kind of shadow character time-lapse effect similar to the super effect you see on fighting games like Street Fighter Alpha or in Anime and movies!
It's very simple. Create an animation, duplicate your character, use a little grouping and masking and mess with the sequencer and some layer effects and that's it!
It may sound like a lot but trust me, it takes about 2 minutes to execute once you've learned it!

Step-By-Step Overview
Step-By-Step Overview - Anime Studio Pro 7 Tutorial
4 June 2012Smith Micro Graphics

Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame detailing when creating quality animations.

With an intuitive interface, pre-loaded content and powerful features such as a bone rigging system, integrated lip-synching, 3D shape design, physics, motion tracking and more, Anime Studio Pro delivers advanced animation tools to speed up your workflow and combines cutting-edge features with powerful technology for the most unique animation program for digital artists.

Resize your images with no loss in quality with Anime Studio's vector-based layer system, and easily add a skeleton to any image by simple point and click, then bring it to life.

Showing tutorials 1 to 10 of 34