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Found 34 results for simple animation
Backgrounds With Brushes
Backgrounds With Brushes - Anime Studio Tutorial
19 February 2013AnimeStudioTutor

In this Anime Studio Tutorial, we look at how to create a background using the brush settings of a simple line.

As the line can be as long as needed, this technique is ideal for long repeating / looping designs.

This tutorial comes with help from Jorge Merino - Graphic Designer. He has also very kindly provided some sample brushes for this tutorial which can be found in the supporting content.

Click here to view FREE Anime Studio Brushes

Making the Lantern Background
Making the Lantern Background - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial is to show you all how to use masking to create a gradient lighting effect that you would use for making flashlight or torch effects. It's pretty simple to achieve but you need to make two separate pieces of artwork .

You can do this by using another program such as Illustrator like I did or you can do it in Anime Studio by creating a background, duplicating and then changing all of the colors. I just used Illustrator because it's much easier for me to create backgrounds in it!

Once you've done this, you really only need to use a mask and use the LAYER blur function to make it look more realistic. (if that's what you're going for.)

As always, when you think of masking always remember it is a way to hide or reveal things!!!!!!!!

Echoes of Time by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Source | Artist

Blood, sweat and tears in Moho (Anime Studio) Pro
Blood, sweat and tears in Moho (Anime Studio) Pro - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

This tutorial shows you how to make dripping liquid using noise and the stroke exposure tool. I also use the noise effect to create blood. Really simple techniques that are quick and easy to execute!

Classic Horror 1 - Dark World by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Commons Attribution license | Source | Artist

Bump in the Night - Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license | Source | Artist

3D buildings in Anime Studio Pro or MOHO pro 12
3D buildings in Anime Studio Pro or MOHO pro 12 - Moho Pro Tutorial
14 October 2018ShoNuff93

Hey everyone! I've been getting a lot of requests for backgrounds and a friend recently asked me about making one that has a city street with buildings. I thought it was a great idea but also started wondering if I could make it 3D so I could create a lot of different angles for the same scene.
I found that I could pretty easily and this is the result. Now this tutorial shows you how to make VERY simple buildings but given time you could make the buildings and the scene a lot more detailed with a lot more depth but I think following this tutorial will give you a basic understanding of how it works and how to organize your layers.
Yes, there are other tools to create 3D objects in Anime Studio/MOHO as well but I feel like this is the best way to understand X,Y, Z coordinates and it allows you to add details you otherwise couldn't with extrusion and beveling tools.
If you'd like to help support this channel and also get characters and artwork for your animations, check out my Patreon channel at
I also wanted to give a big shout out to Justin Allen, a fellow animator who's own tutorial really helped me out by showing me how to align origin points (rotation points) so that I could easily turn and place walls making this tutorial infinitely more easy to do! He's got a great channel on youtube with awesome cartoons and amazing tutorials so check him out.

Showing tutorials 31 to 34 of 34