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Found 23 results for technique
Hovering and Floating Effect
Hovering and Floating Effect - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This video is to show anime studio users how to make objects hover in just a few quick steps. This technique can be used for a variety of objects. UFO's, superhero's elemental effects ect

Advanced Smart Warp Theory: Soft tissue vs Contour
Advanced Smart Warp Theory: Soft tissue vs Contour - Anime Studio Tutorial
1 October 2017Funksmaname

I've come up with a technique to separate soft tissue and contours for finer control of each independently - this isn't super complex, but moves fairly fast, rambling in places, and has some potentially confusing parts - hopefully you get the idea! Let me know.

Making Cloth
Making Cloth - Anime Studio 8 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a quick 5 minute tutorial on how to simulate cloth movement in anime studio. It's a pretty simple concept but very effective. You can fine tune the technique to make very realistic clothes for characters, flags, capes ect.

Realistic Spotlight Effect
Realistic Spotlight Effect - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

Making a spotlight using simple layer effects to achieve realistic lighting.

Lip Sync Frame By Frame
Lip Sync Frame By Frame - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a video to show you how I lip sync an animation. While a lot of people will say doing lip syncing frame by frame is too time consuming, I think the result is well worth it and one you get a technique down it becomes fairly fast to do. Also, by limiting the amount of mouths you use, the easier it becomes. Hopefully this helps anyone new to anime studio on how to lip sync frame by frame in a efficient and practical way!

Dragonball Instant Transmission (Teleport) effect
Dragonball Instant Transmission (Teleport) effect - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
18 February 2018ShoNuff93

This is a pretty easy tutorial on recreating the instant transmission teleporting effect that is used in the DragaonBall Z cartoons. It's a quick example but can be refined to look even better.

The technique involves using animated layer effects to make entire groups of objects change their opacity all at once. It also uses the trick of using one keyframe and adding noise to it to make vertical lines seem as though they are animating at a rapid pace.

Swarms of insects or critters in Moho
Swarms of insects or critters in Moho - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

Need ants crawling around a garbage can? Or some roaches for a spooky movie scene? Maybe you want to create a pond with fish swimming around it. If so, this tutorial might help. It is a simple way to use a simple animation and particles to create moving swarms.

It uses particles and the follow path tool and a tiny bit of animation on your character and thats it. It is easy to manipulate the speed and direction of your characters with this technique. If you have any questions let me know!

How to use a smart bone to resize your character
How to use a smart bone to resize your character - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
18 February 2018ShoNuff93

This tutorial is really the same a the morphing tutorial but connected to a smart bone action so you can change your character at any time real easy.
This would be great for any characters you need to transform back and forth throughout your animations like a vampire character or a werewolf.
You can also use this technique for other things like animating hair growing or items transforming.
It's quick and really easy to set up once you have a character rigged!

Walk Cycle
Walk Cycle - Anime Studio 7 Pro Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a video tutorial on how to make a simple walk cycle in anime studio with the characters provided. This is a variation of anime studio users Selgin and Funksmaname's techniques. Their techniques are MUCH more finely tuned and work better than this technique but this if for beginners like me that don't know that much about bone locking or the use of scripts yet. I highly recommend watching their videos after getting these basic steps down to enhance your walk cycles!

Make Characters Slowly Fade Through Walls
Make Characters Slowly Fade Through Walls - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
20 October 2016ShoNuff93

If you are wanting to animate a character or object slowly appear or disappear you can try using this technique.

You MUST have Anime Studio 11 Pro or MOHO 12 Pro to do this as it uses the new color points tool!

This tutorial uses a combination of masking, color points and some layer settings to achieve this effect.

Spooky Ride by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license |
Source |

Showing tutorials 11 to 20 of 23