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Found 185 results for intermediate
Animating and Rigging Quadrupeds
Animating and Rigging Quadrupeds - Anime Studio Tutorial
29 January 2016

Animating quadrupeds with bones may seem complicated, but the right tools can make it faster and easier to get smooth, lively results. Join Anime Studio Master Victor Paredes in this 1-hour webinar where he will demonstrate helpful techniques to make the rigging and walk animation process much simpler using Anime Studio Pro 11. Learn how Target Bones give you more control, how Additive cycles make the process quicker, and how overlapping actions make your quadruped look more alive. All of this and more will be demonstrated, plus you'll have the opportunity to get your questions answered by an expert!

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Thank you to artist Yi-Jen Liu for the use of her character in this webinar.

Layer Blending Effects
Layer Blending Effects - Anime Studio tutorial
8 February 2016

In this tutorial you will see how easy it is to use the layer blending modes in Anime Studio to change the colour of your animations.

Normally these effects would be added to your rendered videos in a video editor. But knowing how to do it in Anime Studio may come in handy.

This effect can be added to the whole video or you could use it in isolation.

Pros Tip Walk Cycle
Pros Tip Walk Cycle - Anime Studio Tutorial
9 February 2016

Let's make a walk cycle in Anime Studio!
Breaking down the rig - 0:49
Setting up contact positions - 4:05
Setting up passing positions - 8:50
Setting up up/ down - 14:05
Setting up arms - 17:00
Setting up arm and hip rotation - 19:15
Setting up head rotation - 28:35

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Random Flickering Light
Random Flickering Light - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016

This tutorial is for anyone who wants to create randomly flickering lights in anime studio. All you need to do is create two separate pieces of artwork (this can even work for photos) and use a smart bone to turn one of the layers on and off randomly. It may not seem easy at first, but once you learn how to use it you'll probably use it all the time!

Making Animated Grass
Making Animated Grass - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016

A quick tutorial for making realistic moving grass in Anime Studio using a couple of shapes, a couple of bones and a particle layer. All in all it takes less than 10 minutes to do.

Animated Equalizer
Animated Equalizer - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016

I had this thought on how I could make an audio equalizer animation and ended up making this tutorial. It's made in Anime studio Pro and involves using a bone, a mask and a couple of layers. I would say it's probably for intermediate users but I'm sure beginners could watch and follow along and get some really useful information on how anime studio works!

Animate Swinging Doors in Anime Studio
Animate Swinging Doors in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016

This is a quick tutorial on creating and setting up a simple door in Anime Studio. It's fairly straight forward and easy to do in just a couple of minutes. I didn't get too detailed with making the door 3D or anything like that because I wanted to just show the simplest way to do this for beginners. I'm hoping Anime Studio Debut has the rotate XY tool in it but if not, I'll make another video and just manually adjust the artwork.

Animate Digital Numbers
Animate Digital Numbers - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016

This is a quick tutorial on how to create and digital numbers in Anime Studio using a grid and switch layers. Although Anime Studio has a number sequencer built into it, I thought it would be nice to show users how to create their own numbers to give them practice with use of the grid and also some practice on using switch layers for something other than mouths and hands. It's fairly straight forward so shouldn't be to hard for even the novice user to follow along!

Water Waves in Anime Studio
Water Waves in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016

This tutorial is on how to animate water waves in Anime Studio Pro. With one piece of artwork and a small amount of animating frames, you can simulate the movement of a liquid surface. It's a fairly straight forward tutorial but you must have Anime Studio Pro in order to use the particles. Also, be aware that using large amounts of particles that also contain effects like blurring or gradients will slow down your computer when rendering. Make sure you have your animation down before doing a full render!

Animate A Body Turn In Anime Studio
Animate A Body Turn In Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
6 March 2016

I KNOW! Over an HOUR for a tutorial? I must be smoking something right? Well, this is actually trimmed down! I could have made the artwork and just made a basic turn but I wanted to go into detail on how I created a body turn from the very start. I personally think it is important to show the whole process because for one, it can give you a sense of how much time it might take and two, it's easier to share little tips and tricks I've learned while using this program. So many times I watch tutorials that are so good but leave out little tid bits or leave out problems they encounter which, if shared would have saved me tons of time. more

Showing tutorials 91 to 100 of 185