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Found 99 results for Create
Smoke Effect
Smoke Effect - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
26 August 2012MRjonbo1964

Using the particle layer in Anime Studio Pro 8 to create a smoke effect

Creating Detailed Torso Movements
Creating Detailed Torso Movements - Anime Studio Tutorial
21 December 2013LilredheadComics

If you are looking to add some realism or polish to your animations, then you will want to check out this Anime Studio tutorial. Here we demonstrate how to draw a male torso and then create subtle movements with the chest in conjunction with an arm using Smart Bones.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

Computer Diode Using Masks
Computer Diode Using Masks - Anime Studio 9 Tutorial
25 November 2012ShoNuff93

This is a quick tutorial on making a randomly rotating tech graphic for anime studio. Using a little masking, one keyframeand some random rotation you can create a pretty cool animation with little effort.

light speed or warp jump effect in Moho
light speed or warp jump effect in Moho - Anime Studio Tutorial
9 June 2018ShoNuff93

This tutorial shows you how to use a single dot to make a moving star field and also how to use one line to create a space warping effect like that used in Star Wars or other types of sci-fi movies. They both are really simple and just use the rotation of particles in 3D space to make them work.

Shadow clones for your characters
Shadow clones for your characters - Moho Pro Tutorial
28 April 2019ShoNuff93

This is a very quick, super easy tutorial on how to make a kind of shadow character time-lapse effect similar to the super effect you see on fighting games like Street Fighter Alpha or in Anime and movies!
It's very simple. Create an animation, duplicate your character, use a little grouping and masking and mess with the sequencer and some layer effects and that's it!
It may sound like a lot but trust me, it takes about 2 minutes to execute once you've learned it!

Lip Sync: Switch Layers
Lip Sync: Switch Layers - Anime Studio Tutorial
27 August 2015Jared Hundley

Working with Photoshop and Anime Studio, we dive into how to create a set of mouth phonemes, incorporate them into Anime Studio switch layers, and manually lip sync to a spoken word audio file. This episode also briefly shows a little about how to use After Effects to composite your animation files and some extra bonus ideas toward the end for you to consider.

Creating a Mouth with a Mask in Anime Studio
Creating a Mouth with a Mask in Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
21 December 2013LilredheadComics

While you could build a mouth without a mask, this tutorial shows you a quick way to achieve easy mouth movements with a vector mask layer. From here, you can then build your character and even create actions for the mouth phonemes.

Recorded By: Jim Mills
Narrated By: Chad Troftgruben

Dominoes - Anime Studio Pro 8 Tutorial
8 July 2012ShoNuff93

This is a tutorial on how to use the new scripting feature in anime studio pro 8. It allows you to separate multiple shapes that are created on one layer and distributes them to there own individual layer. This is really useful when you want to create an animation using physics or to break apart a character that you want animate there body parts individually.

Anime Studio Character Rig Tutorial
Anime Studio Character Rig Tutorial - Anime Studio tutorial
27 July 2013neomarz1

Tutorial on how to create a character Rig, using PNG files. Very basic rig, but appropriate for beginning Anime Studio users.

"Eve of October" can now be purchased at Amazon!

Clone & Offset Layers - Free Tool by Mynd
Clone & Offset Layers - Free Tool by Mynd - Moho (Anime Studio) Script
20 June 2018Mynd SK

A powerful way to copy and create new layers that continue any changes made to further copies.

Idea and Management: Mynd
Coding: Derek Root

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Showing tutorials 51 to 60 of 99