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Found 101 results for character switch
Switch Layer Dials
Switch Layer Dials - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016ShoNuff93

I thought I'd make a video on how to make a smart bone action control switch layers. I also wanted to show a quick set up on making a smart bone dial that is set away from the character.

I should also mention if you want to make a visual reference smart bone you can just make it so it just controls a specific switch layer off to the side without linking it to another bone as well.
The reason I made the first example linked to the hand is so that in a busy scene, your control will always be near the hand!

My character was just getting too many switch layers in it so I'm in the process of creating a few of these switch layer controls and I thought I'd share as always!!! smile

Switch Bones Technique
Switch Bones Technique - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
27 June 2017Víctor Paredes

Here is a way to have different "sets" of bones inside of the same character.

More info on the LM forum

Workflow Basics Episode 3
Workflow Basics Episode 3 - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 June 2015Jared Hundley

How to Anime Studio: Workflow Basics: Character Animation: Episode 3

We will animate Batman from our rigged Anime Studio file from Episode 2. This episode focuses on Animation Principles such as anticipation and follow through. We also look into Key Poses and In-Betweens while we work on animation with bones, keyframes, cycles, switch layers.

Episode 1 |

Animate with Mike Scott
Animate with Mike Scott - Anime Studio Pro Tutorial
27 July 2013mikdog

In this tutorial we animate a simple scene with a character jumping over a puddle. We draw the character in Photoshop and import him into Anime Studio. I explain how to set the character up for import, we rig some bones to his legs and have him say a few lines, using Switch layers for the mouth.

Animation of 2D character with life-action
Animation of 2D character with life-action - Anime Studio Tutorial
20 July 2016Stayf Draws

Anime Studio Pro 11 - Animation of 2D character with life-action. Learn how to use the natural brushes. How to paint real fur. A character setup with smartbones, switch layers and masks. How to do your compositing of your character in Anime Studio Pro 11.

This is a short video of the animation process. If you want to see the entire tutorial you can rent it for 24 hours or buy it and download the video file at: Vimeo On Demand.

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Character Design In Anime Studio
Character Design In Anime Studio - Anime Studio Tutorial
22 March 2016ShoNuff93

I made it this video long because I want beginners in particular to see how long it actually takes to put a character together. This isn't even the most complex character I've seen and it took a few hours to make it look and function right. I've run into a lot of problems when I first started using Anime Studio and truthfully I still do but it's really just about figuring out how to solve the problem and a lot of my solutions are in this tutorial!

I really didn't want to make another super long video but there were just to many people asking me to make it so I had to give it a go. I think short tutorial for awhile is the way to go for awhile anyway. (I know, I said that last time!) In any case, please let me know if you found this useful, if it was good, bad, boring, helpful….whatever it may be. I want to make the best videos I can and really appreciate all input. Also, for any Anime Studio users, question. Would this type of character you would buy or would your rather make try and make it yourself? I'm asking because I'm going to start making artwork animations to sell online and want to know what animators are most interested in. I'm going to continue to make tutorials and then try and sell items I think you guys would like so let me know!


Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 2
Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 2 - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

So here is the second part of making a SouthPark character, you guys. I apologize that it's so long but I try not to edit my videos so you can see how long it actually takes me to do something. I have one more part to go and I hope it's not too long but once it is done you'll hopefully know how to make any type of Southpark character pretty easy.
Keep in mind this is just how I would do it. I'm sure there are several ways to make characters like this but this is just the way I came up with.
The next video I'll be making clothes accessories and just showing how to move the character around!
I know some of you aren't Southpark fans but there are still some good tips and tricks that you can learn from this. The main one being about group layers and swapping out accessories. Anyway, hope some of you find this useful and if you have any questions leave them down below or write to me at

Animated Bone Targets
Animated Bone Targets - Anime Studio Tutorial
11 October 2015Smith Micro Graphics

New! Animated Bone Targets - Now you can easily switch from one target bone to another when working with animated bone targets. Animating objects where a handoff occurs is now easier and smoother than ever.

Workflow Basics Episode 2
Workflow Basics Episode 2 - Anime Studio Tutorial
14 June 2015Jared Hundley

How to Anime Studio: Workflow Basics: Character Animation: Episode 2

Continuing the illustration we completed in Ep. 1, we will learn to layer our art, figure out what vector, switch, bone, and group layers are. We will also create a bone structure and bind all of our artwork to these bones.

Episode 1 | Episode 3 |

Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 3
Making South Park Characters in Moho Part 3 - Moho (Anime Studio) Tutorial
3 December 2017ShoNuff93

Ah.. at last! the last Southpark tutorial! This one finishes up with creating the body and adding some accessories and shows you how to add and use color styles. While this is a really basic construction of how to make a southpark like character, I think it gives you a really good start if you're wanting to make some southparkish toons! I also wanted to take the time to thank my subscribers and anyone and everyone who has been watching my videos! I've been trying to really build my channel over the last year and a half and I'm amazed at the support that you guys have given me! As a thanks if you'd like this anime studio 11 file just send me a message on face book (just look for poptoogi) and I'll send it to you just so you can see how its constructed and if you want to get a head start on these LONG a$$ tutorials!

Showing tutorials 1 to 10 of 101